Monday, September 8, 2008

Love You Long Time

The long awaited next post is here!!!!!  The band I have chosen is called Love You Long Time.  This is a local Utah band who has quite a large fan base in the Utah area.  I had been hearing things about this band for the past year and a half but never took the chance to go and seem them play or to check out their music.  A week ago on Labor Day I was helping with the security for a large charity event at which Love You Long Time was scheduled to play.  Most of the people who had come to the event came to see Love You Long Time play even though they were not the headlining band.  They were, to say the least, amazing.  From the moment they started playing till their last song they brought an energy to the crowd of people that wasn't felt during any of the other seven bands that played.  The lead singer was dressed in 80s style clothes with vintage nike high tops and a kitty cat t-shirt.  As soon as I got home that night i purchased on of their EPs on Itunes.  Check them out I'm positive u will love them, and if u ever get a chance to see them live don't pass it up.  I will be loving Love You Long Time for a long time.  


Tito Jones said...

So my girl Mara tol me you like 7 inch chocolate. I got a bone to pick in you. Get at me dawg.

Jamie Lynn said...

Sweet. Miss you. did you buy a t icket.